Monday, April 10, 2006

Play Rehearsal Gets Hellish

Those of you reading this blog have heard about the amount of time required of Patrick for the play that he is in. Well, it has gone to truly insane levels. It is nothing out of the ordinary, but a lot more than we ever expected.

Sunday was Tech Day. This is the day where they get all of the lighting setup. Spotlights, fade-ins, fade-outs, etc. There is really no rehearsing. The actors just move from one position to the next and stand there while they get the lighting figured out and programmed. It is extremely boring for and 11-year old boy. Especially when it starts at 10:00 AM and doesn't end until 7:00 PM. They did break for a potluck meal at 4:00 PM for 30 minutes or so. Actually it didn't even end at 7:00 PM, but Patrick wasn't needed anymore for that and so was allowed to leave.

We dropped Patrick off at 10:00 AM and then Kirsten returned at 3:30 PM, so she only had to wait around for a little over 4 hours. It wasn't all boredom for her however, she got to fill in for one of the actresses that was unable to be there.

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