Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It's Official - We're Moving

My wife has accepted a position at a new Vet Clinic. This one is about 60 miles away from where we currently live. Since that would be too much a commute, we are going to be moving, which is most of the reason for the new job anyway.

Once we move, we will be within minutes of Kirsten's parents and her brother's family. She has been wanting to get a job around there for couple of years now. So, after interviewing at several places over the last year and a half, she finally gets a good offer. Then she gets another offer only an hour and a half later.

We are very excited, but a little stressed. We want to be moved before the end of summer, so that Patrick will be starting school at the new one. We don't want him to have to transfer part-way through a year. So, now we are working constantly to get the old house sold, so that we have enough money to purchase a new house.

I will probably put all kinds of interesting things during the move. Check back for more.

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