The Great Wall is built along the ridge line in the mountains north of Beijing. It is not too high, around 2500 to 3000 feet. Still, it was high enough that with the breeze, the heat didn't seem very bad at all. We walked up as far as the girls were willing to go. It gets preety steep and the heights bothered them some, but we went a lot higher than I expected we would. Patrick, of course, went the whole way.
Afterward, we did a little shopping. Patrick bought couple of hats. We have our haggle gimmick down now. Patrick determines what price he is willing to pay and lets me know. Then after haggling a while he asks me for a larger sum. However, I argue with him and then give him the lesser amount we agreed upon. I tell him that is all he is getting and walk away. So far it has worked. We are probably still getting took. :-)
After we toured the great wall, we ate lunch in a restaurant attached to a Cloisonne Factory. We browsed the goods. Mom was the only one that bought anything. A large vase.
After another 45 minute drive and we arrived at the Olympic Green. We were able to walk around the Water Cube and the Bird's Nest. We were even allowed (for a fee) into the Bird's Nest. Patrick and a couple of friends were even allowed down onto the track. Currently the Water Cube is being converted into a water park. Sadly, except for tourism, the Bird's nest has not been used since the Olympics, except for two concerts. Seems like such a waste to me.
The day ended with an Acrobatics show followed by another dinner. The show was very good. it needed to be, because most of us were having trouble staying awake at this point. A few members fell asleep anyway. Not us or our girls, surprisingly.
1 comment:
Looks wonderful -- love your updates and look forward to them every day! Love, Lisa
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