Anyway, our week started on Monday Morning, December 24th. Kirsten had to work till noon, but I and the kids met her parents for breakfast. It was a lot of fun and Grandma had a great time with the kids. Christmas Eve was very relaxing. We had home made clam chowder, as usual. Then played some games with the kids. Read them 'The Night Before Christmas' and got them in bed.
After they went to bed, 'Santa' spent a couple of hours putting together the girls bikes. 'Santa' always enjoys that part of Christmas. Here is what the kids saw the next morning.
The girls were very excited to find their bikes from Santa and Patrick is definitely enjoying his Guitar Hero III. A video game where you pretend to play a guitar. Who would have thought that would be a hit. Here is the girls on their bikes.
Around 11:00 My Parents and Kirsten's Parent showed up. We just hung out together eating, talking and watching it snow. That is right, it snowed all day long on Christmas, which is first for me in Oregon. Around 2:00 My Parents went home, while the rest of us went over to Kirsten's Brothers Place for dinner. All in all, a very enjoyable day.
Here is our annual Christmas Family Photo.
The next three days were busy working days, but I missed a bunch of it with my illness. Then on Saturday, My side of the family all met at My Parents to celebrate Christmas. We exchanged presents with my Parents. My sister and I got them digital photo frames. It was funny, but Mom and Dad got us digital photo frames also. I guess great minds think alike. :-)
Everyone had a really good time and My Nephews stayed and spent the night. We couldn't however, because the next day Kirsten's side of the family met at her Parents place to celebrate Christmas. Another day of laughing, eating, talking and fun. It was another perfect day and a great end to a great week.
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