In July we took the annual Family Camping Trip. We go for at least 5 days with Kirsten's Parents and her brother and his family. We have managed to make it six years in row now. This year Kirsten's Mom had some conflicts with her job and was only able to make it up for a couple of days.
Also, poor Kaitlyn was bitten by some bug that caused her right eyelid to swell so much that she could hardly open it. It didn't really seem to slow her down very much however. Kids are so resilient.
Here are a few pictures of the trip.

Rafting down the creek. We didn't get very far before I had to get out. My large bulk kept causing us to bottom out on the rocks.

Bath time. Kirsten purchased a portable solar shower. Just fill it and leave it in the sun for about half of a day and you have about 5 gallons of fairly hot water. Enough to get the girls wet, then soap them down and then rinse them off, with a little left over to wash Kirsten and My hair.

Emily really enjoyed being able to help wash the dishes. Of course, in a few years when she could truly be helpful, she won't want to do it anymore.

Emily and Kaitlyn sitting around the fire. You can see how swollen Kaitlyn's right eyelid became. It was mostly gone by the end of the trip.

Kaitlyn playing as superman or something.

The boys played a lot of poker. The Dad's got involved for little while also. We used rocks, pebbles and sticks to bet with. The rock was equal to two pebbles and a pebble was equal to five sticks. No money was actually used.
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