Friday, December 29, 2006

Present Overload

Well, as usual, my parents have overdone themselves again. They tend to go a little overboard with the Christmas presents. They have six grand kids. This year they got each grand kid nine presents. Take into account that a lot of the presents are clothing and it isn't as bad as it seems. Still, it does seem excessive.

All in all, our Christmas was very nice. We stuck by our tradition of homemade clam chowder and one present on Christmas Eve. The next morning the girls slept until after 7:00. We actually got them up. After breakfast, we all got cleaned up and dressed. Then we opened our presents. About 10:30, we packed up and headed over to Mom and Dad's for the rest of the day.

Here are a few pictures from the day.

Finding what Santa has left them

Emily with her Santa Gift

Kaitlyn with her Santa Gift (Little Mermaid Doll)

The whole family on Christmas Morning

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