As Kaitlyn gets older, she and Emily are playing together more and more. Even Patrick is getting into the act. Here are a couple of pictures of them playing.
They love to play doggies. It is getting to the point that we are starting to hide the dogs leashes.
They also love to play babies. The stroller is not really designed for their size, but it works much better than a real stroller in the house.
This site is mostly about the kids. Specifically our two girls that we adopted from China (see their stories in the LINKS section below), but with a lot of our biological son thrown in, because we are so darn proud of all of them. Here are the main players.
Patrick: DOB 6/1994 Emily: DOB 12/2002 - Gotcha 11/24/2003 - Gaoyou SWI Kaitlyn: DOB 9/2004 - Gotcha 10/10/2005 - Hengyang SWI
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