Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Holiday Season is upon us

***NOTE*** I wrote this on 11/7/2007. I don't know why it didn't post. I thought it had.

Over the past couple of weeks, we have survived Halloween, had a very interesting week with and exchange student from Korea and a nice little visit with a family that adopted a girl from China with us when we got Kaitlyn.

Halloween was a lot of fun. The girls were able to trick-or-treat at Grandma Ma's place of business (a nursing home). Grandma had a very good time showing off her grand daughters and the residents enjoyed seeing all of the kids. After that, we got together with Kirsten's brother and his family and trick-or-treated downtown. Then we all met back at Trevor's house for a very nice meal. Finally, about 7:30 we made it back to our place and passed out candy for about an hour.

It was a very busy afternoon and evening. The girls enjoyed dressing up. Emily was a princess and Kaitlyn was a doggy. Unfortunately, I carried the camera the entire time and never got a single picture. In my defense, it is very difficult for one person to keep an eye on a 3 year old and a 4 year old, in a crowd of kids. I didn't really have time for much else.

Here are some pictures

Patrick and his neighbor Rubi with their Korean Exchange students. All of them loved playing foosball. They did it a lot.

Patrick's Korean Exchange Student (Min Soo). This was taken on the day that Min Soo left.

The girls with their new Chinese Outfits.

Kaitlyn and Natalia playing dress-up. They were adopted at the some time from the same orphanage. They had a great time playing together. We need to get together with her and her family more often.

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