We spent Thursday at Kirsten's parents house with her parents and my parents. That was very enjoyable also. Lots of good conversation and everyone was nice and relaxed. The food was excellent. Everyone had a really good time. Kaitlyn was really tired, so I put her down for a nap. She was kind of nervous, so I layed there with her and ended up sleeping for an hour myself.
On Saturday we spent the day at my parents place with all of my family. We showed up a little early, but since it was sunny, we just took a half-hour walk around their neighborhood. The food was pretty good and later we had some cake. We were celebrating my dad's 65th birthday and my nephew's first birthday. All of the kids really enjoyed playing outside on my father's electric ride-on toys. He has a firetruck, tractor and hummer. Kaitlyn and Emily seemed to be doing fine, so we didn't put them down for naps. That turned out to be a fiasco. Emily actually did just fine, but little Kaitlyn was an absolute terror from about 4:00 PM on. She actually took a little nap from 5:00 to 5:30, but that seemed to only make things worse.
Here are a few pictures from the day: