Wow, two posts in the same day! It must be snowing someplace really hot!
This is a picture I took after Kaitlyn figured out how to get water out of the fridge. This was quickly followed by me relearning how to engage the child locks on the fridge. :-)
Kaitlyn is at that stage where she is learning new things almost hourly. She is picking up on a lot of words. Like more, uh-oh, oh no, ouch, up, down, etc. This is definitely a lot better than her old method of communication (a lot of squeaking an pointing).
Kaitlyn has learned that jumping in the crib can be a bad thing. On Sunday, I put the girls down for their nap. I closed their door and stopped by Patrick's room to talk with him. In about 15 seconds I heard someone rattling the Duplo's Bin. I figured it was Emily. I went back to their room only to find Emily sitting up in bad with a look of surprise on her face and Kaitlyn laying face down on the floor.
Apparently after I left, Kaitlyn started jumping in bad and actually flipped over the rail. This is quite impressive, since the rail goes up to her chin.